Vlaštovčí hnízdo je novogotický zámek z let 1911-1912 poblíž městečka Gaspra a v blízkosti Jalty na Krymském poloostrově.
Livadijský palác sloužil jako letní rezidence posledního ruského cara Mikuláše II. a jeho rodiny.
Yeni-Kale is a fortress on the shore of Kerch Strait in the city of Kerch.
The Yusupov Palace is a palace located in the town of Koreiz, near Yalta in Crimea.
Krymský most, nazývaný též Kerčský most je spojnice Ruska přes Kerčský průliv s poloostrovem Krym.
The Khan's Palace or Hansaray is located in the town of Bakhchysarai, Crimea.
Count Nikolay Semyonovich Mordvinov was one of the most reputable Russian political thinkers of Alexander I's reign.
Krymský most, nazývaný též Kerčský most je spojnice Ruska přes Kerčský průliv s poloostrovem Krym.
The Arabat Fortress, built in the 17th century by the Ottoman army, stands at the southernmost part of the Arabat Spit.
Mangup also known as Mangup Kale is a historic fortress in Crimea, located on a plateau about 13 kilometres due east of Sevastopol.
Uspenský jaskynný monastier sa nachádza na Kryme, na Ukrajine, pri Bachčisaraji. Je to jaskynný monastier vytesaný v skalách.
Cape Fonar is the easternmost point of the Crimean peninsula. The cape is located on the western shore of Kerch Strait near the exit to Azov…
Yalta City Municipality, officially "the territory governed by the Yalta city council", also known as Greater Yalta is one of the 25…
The Juma-Jami Mosque, also known as the Friday Mosque, is located in Yevpatoria, Crimea.
Marble Caves is a cave in Crimea, at the lower plateau of Chatyr-Dag, mountainous massif.
The Ozbek Han Mosque is a mosque in Stary Krym, Crimea. The Ozbek Han Mosque is the oldest mosque in Crimea, built during the reign of…
Kebir Džami je chrámová mešita v krymském Simferopolu. Má status hlavní páteční mešity Krymu, je rezidencí muftího a sídlí zde Duchovní…
V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University is a public, coeducational university currently located in Kyiv.
The Aivazovsky National Art Gallery is a national art museum in Feodosia, Crimea.
The Battle of Eupatoria was the most important military engagement of the Crimean War on the Crimean theatre in 1855 outside Sevastopol.