Kappabashi-dori, also known just as Kappabashi or Kitchen Town, is a street in Tokyo between Ueno and Asakusa which is almost entirely populated with shops supplying the restaurant trade. These shops sell everything from knives and other kitchen utensils, mass-produced crockery, restaurant furniture, ovens, and decorations, through to esoteric items such as the plastic display food found outside Japanese restaurants. The street is also an off-beat tourist destination.
Nearby is located Kappa-dera, where locals offer cucumber to appease the Kappas.
The shops are mostly open Mon - Fri: 9 am - 5 pm. Most shops close on weekends and public holidays.
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kappabashi-dori
Official website http://www.kappabashi.or.jp/
Phone +81 3 3844 1225
Address Tokyo, Japan
Coordinates 35°42'45.072" N 139°47'18.779" E