Oplontis Ruins

Lokaler NameScavi archeologici di Oplonti
LageNeapel, Italien

The town of Oplontis had the same destiny as Pompeii. Covered in ashes in 79 AD, explored in 19th-20th century, it's now inscribed in UNESCO.

Tags Archäologisches GeländeUNESCOErbe
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Torre Annunziata: Oplontis Villa Poppaea (Römische Villa) Tour ab 276 USD
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Apr - Oct: 8.30 am - 7:30 pm
Nov - Mar: 8.30 am - 5 pm
Last admission 90 min prior to closing time
Closed on: 1 Jan , 1 May, 25 Dec


Full: € 5,50
Concession: € 2,75
(includes Stabiae and Boscoreale)

Mehr Informationen und Kontakt

Wikipedia https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scavi_archeologici_di_Oplonti

Official website (Italian) http://www.pompeiisites.org/Sezione.jsp?titolo=Oplonti&idSezione=14

E-Mail pompei.info@beniculturali.it

Telefon +39 0818 575 347

Adresse Via Sepolcri 80058 Torre Annunziata, Italy

Koordinaten 40°45'25.86" N 14°27'10.79" E

Touren und Aktivitäten: Oplontis Ruins

Torre Annunziata: Oplontis Villa Poppaea (Römische Villa) Tour

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ab 276 USD

Von Neapel aus: Tagestour nach Pompeji mit Skip the Line

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ab 76 USD

From Naples: Pompeii Ruins & Mount Vesuvius Day Tour

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