KidZania Tokyo is a family edutainment center amusement park, in the LaLaport Toyosu, Tokyo, Japan opened in October 2006. A part of the Kidzania franchise, Kidzania Tokyo is the third ever Kidzania theme park ever built, preceded by Mexico City and Monterrey, and succeeded by Kidzania Jakarta. As like other Kidzania Theme parks, the Tokyo franchise offers 70 occupations for enjoyment by children; nevertheless, it was nearly identical to any other Kidzania theme parks in the franchise.
The park, as like other parks in the franchise, aimed at children from the age of three to fourteen. Although it looks smaller than any other parks in the franchise, the occupations offered remained similar to its Mexican counterparts.
Daily: 9 a.m. - 3 p.m., 4 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Periodically closed for maintenance (check the website for dates).
The price differs according to weekdays/holidays, morning/afternoon shift and whether any concessions are applicable. Check the website for details.
Official Website
Phone +81 570 064 646
Address 東京都江東区豊洲2-4-9
Coordinates 35°39'22.715" N 139°47'28.855" E