Wildlands, also known as Wildlands Adventure Zoo Emmen, is a zoo in Emmen, the Netherlands. It opened in March 2016, replacing the Emmen Zoo. Wildlands is an adventure theme park with four main areas: Jungola, Serenga, Nortica and Animazia.
Jungola is jungle-themed and displays butterflies, tropical birds, large reptiles, ring-tailed lemurs, lar gibbons, small-clawed otters and Asian elephants. The most prominent feature of Jungola is the indoor tropical rainforest hall Rimbula, which at 18,000 m2 is the largest zoo jungle hall in the world and the largest greenhouse in Europe.
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wildlands_(zoo)
Official Website http://www.wildlands.nl/
Address 30 Ermerweg, 7812BG, Netherlands
Coordinates 52°46'49.823" N 6°53'12.705" E