Международный Вестминстерский университет

Местное названиеToshkent xalqaro Vestminster universiteti
МестоположениеТашкент, Узбекистан

Westminster International University in Tashkent is the first international university in Uzbekistan and first in Central Asia to offer Western education, with United Kingdom qualifications. WIUT was established in 2002 in partnership between the "UMID" Presidential Foundation, the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of Uzbekistan, and the University of Westminster in London.

WIUT's mission is to provide International Standards of Education and Research Opportunities that contribute to the Intellectual, Social and Professional development of the Central Asian communities as well as Global Community.

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Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westminster_International_University_in_Tashkent

Official Website https://www.wiut.uz/

Телефон +998712387400

Координаты 41°18'23.807" N 69°16'54.713" E

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