Wolfsschanze je označenie komplexu budov a bunkrov, nachádzajúceho sa blízko mesta Kętrzyn vo vtedajšom Východnom Prusku, slúžiaceho ako…
Reszel Castle is a castle located in Reszel by the bank of the river Sajna, in the south-east of the town.The castle, an Ordensburg…
Boyen Fortress is a former Prussian fortress located in the western part of Giżycko, in Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, northeastern Poland.
The Olsztyn Castle, officially the Castle of Warmian Cathedral Chapter in Olsztyn, is a Brick Gothic castle located in the heart of Olsztyn…
The Lidzbark Castle, officially known as Lidzbark Bishops' Castle, is a fortified castle and palace from the 14th century located in the…
St. Nicholas Cathedral is a 13th-century Gothic church in Elbląg, Poland. Established in c. 1247, the church became Lutheran in 1573.
Ostróda Castle is a castle located in the region of the Ostróda County, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship; in Poland.
Frombork Cathedral or the Archcathedral Basilica of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Saint Andrew in Frombork, Poland, is a…
Barciany Castle, is a 14th-century Teutonic Castle in Barciany village in Kętrzyn County, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, in northern Poland.
Mazurská jezerní plošina nebo Mazurské pojezeří je oblast na severovýchodě Polska o rozloze okolo 52 000 km², z čehož 7 % připadá na vodní…
Bitka pri Tannenbergu bolo ozbrojené stretnutie ruskej a nemeckej armády, ktoré sa odohralo počas prvej svetovej vojny od 23. augusta do 2.…
Prvá bitka na Mazúrskych jazerách bola nemecká ofenzíva na východnom fronte v úvodnej fáze prvej svetovej vojny.
The Tannenberg Memorial was a monument to the German soldiers of the Battle of Tannenberg, the First Battle of the Masurian Lakes and the…
Niegocin je jezero v oblasti Velkých jezer Mazurských
Ełk Lake is a fresh water lake in the Masurian Lake District of Poland's Warmia-Mazury Province adjacent to the town of Ełk.
Lake Ukiel is a lake in Poland which is located on Pojezierze Olsztyńskie, in the northwest part of Olsztyn, between district Dajtki,…
A Bismarck tower is a specific type of monument built according to a more or less standard model across Germany to honour its first…
FM/TV Mast Giżycko/Miłki is a 327-metre-high guyed mast located at Miłki near Giżycko, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship in Poland, built in…