The École nationale supérieure d'informatique et de mathématiques appliquées, or Ensimag, is a prestigious French Grande École located in Grenoble, France. Ensimag is part of the Institut polytechnique de Grenoble. The school is one of the top French educational institutions and specializes in Computer science, Applied Mathematics and Telecommunications.
In the field of Informatics and Applied Mathematics, Ensimag ranks first in France, as measured by the position of its students in the national admission examinations and by the ranking of companies hiring its students and specialized media.Students are usually admitted to Ensimag competitively following two years of undergraduate studies in classes préparatoires aux grandes écoles. Studies at Ensimag are of three years' duration and lead to the French degree of "Diplôme National d'Ingénieur".
Official Website
Address (Unnamed Road), Saint-Martin-d'Hères 38400, France
Coordinates 45°11'36.711" N 5°45'55.839" E