Avans University of Applied Sciences is a Dutch high ranked vocational university. It is located in three cities: Breda, 's-Hertogenbosch, and Tilburg. The school has over 30,000 students studying 40 courses in 18 institutes. There are 3,000 employees.
Avans University of Applied Sciences itself was founded on January 1, 2004, as a union of Hogeschool 's-Hertogenbosch and Hogeschool Brabant in Tilburg, Breda, and Etten-Leur. Hogeschool Brabant itself was a union from 1988 of Hogeschool West-Brabant and Hogeschool Midden-Brabant. The oldest branch of Avans University of Applied Sciences is the Kunstacademie in 's-Hertogenbosch, which was founded in 1812.
Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avans_University_of_Applied_Sciences
Official Website https://www.avans.nl/
Phone +31 88 525 75 00
Address 61 Lovensdijkstraat, Breda 4818AJ, Netherlands
Coordinates 51°35'8.847" N 4°47'36.142" E