Museo Nacional de Antropología do češtiny přeložitelné jako Národní antropologické muzeum je muzeum v Ciudad de México, na třídě Paseo de…
Chapultepec Castle is located on top of Chapultepec Hill in the Chapultepec park.
Muzeum Soumaya je soukromé muzeum a nezisková kulturní instituce v Mexico City. Disponuje dvěma budovami - Plaza Carso a Plaza Loreto.
The Museo de Arte Moderno is a museum dedicated to modern Mexican art located in Chapultepec Park in Mexico City.
Chapultepec Zoo is a zoo located in Chapultepec Park; it is one of four zoos near Mexico City, and the best known Mexican zoo.
The Acuario Inbursa is an aquarium in the Nuevo Polanco area of Miguel Hidalgo district, Mexico City.
Dům a ateliér Luise Barragána je stavba vysoké architektonické a umělecké hodnoty zapsaná od roku 2004 na seznamu světového dědictví UNESCO.
Museo Rufino Tamayo is a public contemporary art museum located in Mexico City's Chapultepec Park, that produces contemporary art…
The largest private contemporary art collection in Latin America.
The National Museum of History, also known as MNH, is a national museum of Mexico, located inside Chapultepec Castle in Mexico City.
Pujol is a Mexican restaurant named by Wall Street Journal as the best in Mexico City.The restaurant is run by chef Enrique Olvera, who…
National Auditorium is an entertainment center at Paseo de la Reforma #50, Chapultepec in Mexico City.
The Monumento a los Niños Héroes, officially Altar a la Patria, is a monument installed in the park of Chapultepec in Mexico City, Mexico.
The museum Papalote Museo del Niño is located in Mexico City Bosques de Chapultepec.
The Cárcamo de Dolores is a hydraulic structure located on the Second Section of Chapultepec Park, in Mexico City, comprising the building…