Albertina je galerie umění založená v roce 1776 ve Vídni vévodou Albertem Sasko-Těšínským a jeho ženou Marií Kristinou.
Dům umění je galerie postavená v roce 2003 ve Štýrském Hradci, u příležitosti akce Evropské hlavní město kultury.
A lot of events such as concerts, dance and theater performances take place in this huge venue. Check out its rich program!
Wiener Stadhalle je víceúčelová krytá aréna a kongresové centrum v 15. vídeňském obvodu v Rakousku.
Alternative bar and spacious venue hosting DJs, music and media performances. Frequented by students and artsy people.
The Stadtwerkstatt is an open event and project house in Linz. Founded in 1979 by young activists, it is the city's oldest autonomous…
Museum dedicated to the famous writer attempts to portray his life and work. Rich program includes lectures, conferences and readings.