Kókjo je japonský císařský palác v tokijské čtvrti Čijoda. Po svržení šógunátu a reformách Meidži se císařský dvůr přesunul z Kjóta do Tokia.
Akasaka Palace is a state guest house of the government of Japan. Other state guesthouses include the Kyoto State Guest House and the Osaka…
The Akasaka Estate is a park-like Japanese Imperial Estate, site of several major existing and former Imperial residences in the district…
Hrad Edo, známý též jako Hrad Čijoda, byl rovinný hrad, který v roce 1457 zbudoval japonský válečník Óta Dókan.
In Japan, the Tōgū Palace traditionally does not refer to a single location, but to any residence of the Imperial Crown prince.
Hachiōji Castle was a Sengoku period Japanese castle, located in what is now the city of Hachiōji, Tokyo, in the Kantō region of Japan …