Die Kathedrale von Aveiro ist die Bischofskirche des römisch-katholischen Bistums Aveiro in der westportugiesischen Küstenstadt Aveiro.
The main administrative building of the old port of Aveiro is a truly magnificent sight rising straight from the waters of the town's…
This beachtown could be a summer-residence of Alice in Wonderland. The houses are striped and so so colourful!
The picturesque town hall of Aveiro - the enchanting Venice of Portugal - is a sight to see while visiting the town.
A nice museum with plenty of valuable relics and artifacts from the town's rich history. You can spend a couple of interesting hours in here.
Das Palácio Hotel do Buçaco ist ein Hotel oberhalb des Kurortes Luso, in Mittel-Portugal.
Der Convento de Santa Cruz do Buçaco ist ein ehemaliges Kloster des Ordens der Unbeschuhten Karmeliten bei Luso.