The Castle of Mytilene, also Fortress of Mytilene, is located in Mytilene on the Greek island of Lesbos, North Aegean.
Das Museum für die Naturgeschichte des Versteinerten Waldes von Lesbos liegt im Westen der Insel, in der Ortschaft Sigri, unweit vom…
Der Versteinerte Wald von Lesbos ist ein versteinerter Wald auf Lesbos in Griechenland.
Theofilos, auch Theophilos, griechisch Θεόφιλος, war ein griechischer naiver Maler.
The Çarşı Hamam is an Ottoman bath in the town of Mytilene in Lesbos, Greece.
The Archaeological Museum of Mytilene is a museum in Lesbos in Greece.
Located at an archaeological site called Mesa, this ruin used to be a holy place dedicated to the goddess of love, Aphrodite.
Seated on a rock above Petra village, this church's name can be translated as Our Lady of the Sweet Kiss. Come to see its marvelous interior.
The Saint Therapon church of Mytilene, Lesbos, Greece is a church located at the port of the town dedicated to Saint Therapon.