
Lokaler Name판문점
LagePaju, Südkorea

Panmunjom, also known as Panmunjeom, now located in Paju, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea or Panmun-guyok, Kaesong, North Korea, was a village just north of the de facto border between North and South Korea, where the 1953 Korean Armistice Agreement that ended the Korean War was signed. The building where the armistice was signed still stands.

Its name is often used as a metonym for the nearby Joint Security Area, where discussions between North and South Korea still take place in blue buildings that straddle the Military Demarcation Line. As such, it is considered one of the last vestiges of the Cold War.

Tags Diplomatisches GeländeKorea KriegDMZ
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Koreanische Entmilitarisierte Zone und JSA Panmunjom Ausflug von Seoul ab 135 USD
Eintrittskarte reservieren


Due to the varying degree of tension between the two nations, access to Panmunjeom is restricted, heavily guarded and only limited number of guests is allowed to visit.
Also, tours are prohibited on Military training days and National Holidays
Please, check, the official tour website for detailed information.


Tour Fee : KRW 130,000

Mehr Informationen und Kontakt


Adresse North Korea

Koordinaten 37°57'22" N 126°40'36.998" E

Touren und Aktivitäten: Panmunjeom

Koreanische Entmilitarisierte Zone und JSA Panmunjom Ausflug von Seoul

ab 135 USD

Joint Security Area (JSA) Tour: Fahrt zur nordkoreanischen Grenze

ab 84 USD

Full-Day Tour of DMZ Including a Pistol Shooting Experience

ab 109 USD

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