Windmill Point Light

Local nameWindmill Point Light
LocationOntario, Canada

Battle of the Windmill National Historic Site marks the site of the November 1838 Battle of the Windmill, fought around a grist windmill near Prescott, Ontario, Canada. In 1873, the original grist windmill was converted into a lighthouse by the Canadian Department of Marine. The lighthouse became known as Windmill Point Light.

In 1996 the Friends of Windmill Point opened the 60-foot-tall stone lighthouse tower to the public as Battle of the Windmill National Historic Site, a National Historic Site of Canada. Visitors are led on a guided tour of the tower, and can climb to the top just below the lantern room for a view of the St. Lawrence River. There are interpretive panels about the battle, a video presentation, and a gift shop. The tower is open weekends in June and September, and daily in July and August, and is located on Windmill Point Road, off Highway 2, 3 km east of the town of Prescott, Ontario.

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Coordinates 44°43'15.833" N -75°29'13.785" E

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