The Cluj-Napoca Tailors' Tower is located at the southeast corner of the old Cluj-Napoca citadel.
The Lucian Blaga National Theatre is in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, sharing its building with the Romanian Opera.
Catedrala Adormirii Maicii Domnului es el edificio eclesiástico de la Iglesia ortodoxa rumana más importante de Cluj Napoca, Rumania.
El Jardín Botánico de Cluj-Napoca es un jardín botánico de unas 14 hectáreas de extensión que depende administrativamente de la Universidad…
The Széki Palace in Cluj-Napoca is a Gothic Revival building on the shore of Someşul Mic River.
The Ethnographic Museum of Transylvania is situated in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
15th century church built with the support of Matthias Corvinus presents the purest form of Transylvanian Gothic architecture.
The Cluj-Napoca Unitarian Church is a Unitarian church located in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.