El castillo de Trosky es un castillo localizado sobre una colina volcánica, en la localidad de Troskovice, cerca de Semily, en la región de…
Sloup Castle is a rock castle in the municipality of Sloup v Čechách in the Liberec Region of the Czech Republic.
El castillo de Bezděz es un castillo gótico situado a unos 20 km al sureste de Česká Lípa, en la Región de Liberec, al norte de Bohemia,…
Sychrov Castle can be found near the village Sychrov in the Liberec Region of the Czech Republic.
Valdštejn Castle is an early Gothic fortress near Turnov, in the Czech Republic.
Este castillo gótico, aparentemente tranquilo, pero envuelto en un halo de misterio, es uno de los edificios conservados más antiguos del…
Hrubý Rohozec is a castle in Turnov, Czech Republic. The original structure was connected to a polygonal tower by a defensive wall.
Lemberk Castle is a castle in Jablonné v Podještědí in the Liberec Region of the Czech Republic. It is located in the Lusatian Mountains.
Frýdštejn Castle is a castle ruin in Frýdštejn in the Liberec Region of the Czech Republic.
Berštejn Castle is a 16th-century Czech castle located just outside the village of Dubá in the Doksy municipality.