Radogoszcz Prison

Nombre localMuzeum Tradycji Niepodległościowych, oddz. "Radogoszcz", EKSPOZYCJA MUZEALNA
UbicaciónBałuty, Lodz, Polonia

During World War II, the Radogoszcz prison was a German Order Police and Gestapo prison in Łódź, used by the German authorities during the German occupation of Poland in 1939–1945. Today, it is a site of the museum commemorating its wartime victims.

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Más información y contacto

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radogoszcz_prison

Correo electrónico radegaststation@gmail.com

Número de teléfono +48 42 291 36 27

Dirección Zgierska 147, 90-001 Łódź, Poland

Coordenadas 51°48'34.475" N 19°26'19.956" E

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