Ez a mesebeli vulkáni lagúna otthont ad az endemikus vak albínó rákoknak.
Tenerife isn't only about beaches and water parks. The beauty of the steep green hills of Anaga is simply breathtaking.
The Caves of Hercules is an archaeological cave complex located in Cape Spartel, Morocco.
Are you interested in Jewish culture and history in South Africa? Here you can learn about a typical immigrant Jewish life, and see a number…
The South African National Museum of Military History in Johannesburg was officially opened by Prime Minister Jan Smuts on 29 August 1947…
Lake Retba, also known as Lac Rose, lies north of the Cap Vert peninsula in Senegal, some 35 km north-east of the capital, Dakar, in…
Egy népszerű kemping- és túrázási terület, ahol számos piknikhely, étterem és grillező található.