The Palácio do Planalto in Brasília is the official workplace of the president of Brazil.
The Brasília TV Tower is a radio and television transmission tower built in Brasilia and inaugurated in 1967 with a height of 224 meters.
The Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil is a cultural organization of the Bank of Brazil based in Brazil with centers in Belo Horizonte,…
The Itamaraty Palace, also known as the Palace of the Arches, is the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil.
The JK Memorial is a mausoleum, presidential memorial and museum dedicated to Juscelino Kubitschek, the 21st President of Brazil and the…
Discover an architecturally interesting building which is home to a few waterfalls and a koi pond. Surely a place worth visiting.
Az Estádio Nacional de Brasília, közismert nevén Mané Garrincha egy labdarúgóstadion Brazíliavárosban, Brazília fővárosában. 1974. március…
One of the popular Niemeyer buildings, a nice small church built for Sara Kubitschek. A very inspiring place.
Chapada dos Veadeiros Nemzeti Park Brazília egyik nemzeti parkja, amely Goias állam északkeleti részében található, 200 km távolságra…
Marked with a tall obelisk, this place is considered to be the geographical center of the South America.
Praça dos Três Poderes is a plaza in Brasília, the capital of Brazil. The name is derived from the presence of the three governmental powers…
The Jaburu Palace is the official residence of the vice president of Brazil.
Have you already seen all the major beauties of the city? Then explore the most visited place in the city, a small and unique triangular…
Palácio do Buriti egy brazíliavárosi középület, a szövetségi kerület kormányának székhelye, mely a főváros közigazgatási kerületében…