Il castello di Bruchsal è stato la residenza dei Principi-vescovi di Spira come sostituto dell'antico palazzo episcopale andato distrutto…
The Melanchthonhaus is a museum and research facility of the Protestant Reformation in Bretten, particularly on the life of Philipp…
The Odenheim Abbey, also known as Wigoldsberg, Ritterstiftskirche Odenheim, Odenheim and Bruchsal Abbey, was an imperial priory of the Holy…
Gochsheim Castle is an old royal residence in the Kraichtal area of Baden-Württemberg, in the north-eastern part of Karlsruhe, Germany.
Ettlingen Palace is a baroque palace in the centre of Ettlingen, a small city in Baden-Württemberg, Germany.
La battaglia di Mingolsheim fu combattuta il 27 aprile 1622 nelle vicinanze del villaggio tedesco di Wiesloch, precisamente a Migolsheim,…
ANKA is a synchrotron light source facility at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.
La cultura di Michelsberg fu un importante cultura neolitica dell'Europa centrale datata al 4400-3500 a.C. circa.
The Odenheim Abbey, also known as Wigoldsberg, Ritterstiftskirche Odenheim, Odenheim and Bruchsal Abbey, was an imperial priory of the Holy…
St. Paulusheim is an independent Gymnasium in Bruchsal, Germany with sponsorship of the school foundation of the archdiocese of Freiburg.
Ludwig Marum was a German politician, an early victim of the Nazi Party after it came to power in 1933.