Val-Dieu Abbey is a former Cistercian monastery in Wallonia in the Berwinne valley near Aubel in the Pays de Herve.
La Jupiler è una birra chiara a bassa fermentazione prodotta dal birrificio Piedboeuf a Jupille, nella Provincia di Liegi in Vallonia.
The Brasserie d'Achouffe is a Belgian brewery based in Achouffe. It was founded in 1982 by two brothers-in-law, Pierre Gobron and Christian…
The Dubuisson Brewery is a Belgian family brewery founded in 1769 in Pipaix, province of Hainaut.
St. Feuillien è un birrificio fondato dalla famiglia Friard nel 1873 a Le Rœulx, comune belga della provincia dell'Hainaut.
See how brewery technique has changed over the 150 years. Friendly staff guide you through the whole tour and offer to taste their beer.