Museo Walraversijde

Nome localeMuseum Walraversijde - Bezoekerscentrum
PosizioneOstenda, België - Belgique - Belgien

Walraversijde is an abandoned medieval fishing village on the Belgian coast, near Ostend. It was rediscovered in 1992 in a dune area, near a medieval dyke. Archeological research showed that it had been occupied, in two phases, between 1200 and 1600. Walraversijde has been studied more thoroughly and more systematically than any other medieval fishing community in Europe. The village has been partially reconstructed, and has a museum, Walraversijde Museum, dedicated to the site.

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Indirizzo 636 Nieuwpoortsesteenweg, 8400, Belgium

Coordinate 51°11'55.2" N 2°50'56.356" E

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