테아트로 올림피코는 이탈리아 비첸차에 위치한 르네상스 시대의 첫 번째 영구적인 실내 극장이다. 1580년부터 1585년까지 건설되었고 안드레아 팔라디오가 공사를 진행하는 도중에 사망하자 그의 제자인 빈첸초 스카모치에 의해서 완성되었다. 1585년…
바실리카 팔라디아나는 이탈리아 비첸차의 시뇨리 광장에 위치한 르네상스 양식의 건물이다. 건물은 15세기에 세워졌으며 팔라초 델라 라지오네라고 불리었다. 안드레아 팔라디오가 건물의 붕괴된 로지아를 수리하였다. 바실리카 팔라디아나는 ‘비첸차 시와…
The Villa Gazzotti Grimani is a Renaissance villa, an early work of architect Andrea Palladio, located in the village of Bertesina, near…
The palazzo del Capitaniato, also known as loggia del Capitanio or loggia Bernarda, is a palazzo in Vicenza, northern Italy, designed by…
The Villa Angarano or Villa Llewellyn Giuseppe Angarano is a villa in Bassano del Grappa, Veneto, northern Italy.
The Villa Pisani is a patrician villa designed by Italian Renaissance architect Andrea Palladio, located in Bagnolo, a hamlet in the…
Villa Piovene is a Palladian villa built in Lugo di Vicenza, province of Vicenza, northern Italy.
Palazzo Barbaran da Porto is a palazzo in Vicenza, Italy designed in 1569 and built between 1570 and 1575 by Italian Renaissance architect…
Thiene is a city and comune in the province of Vicenza, in northern Italy, located approximately 75 kilometres west of Venice and 200…
The Palazzo Porto Colleoni Thiene, also called a Villa or Castello, is a prominent palace structure in the town center of Thiene.
Sarcedo is a town in the province of Vicenza, Veneto, Italy. It is south of SP111.
The Museo Civico di Bassano del Grappa is the town art and architecture museum located on Piazza Garibaldi #34 in Bassano del Grappa, in…
Cima Portule is a mountain in Italy, located in the province of Vicenza in the Veneto region. It has an elevation of 2,310 metres.
The Asiago War Memorial is a World War I memorial located in the town of Asiago in the Province of Vicenza in the Veneto region of…