빌라 로마나 델 카살레는 이탈리아 시칠리아 엔나도의 피아차아르메리나에서 약 3km 떨어진 곳에 위치한 크고 정교한 고대 로마의 빌라 또는 궁전으로 전체 면적은 8.92헥타르이다. 여러 차례 진행된 발굴 조사를 통해 세계에서 가장 풍부하고 규모가 크며…
The Castello di Lombardia is a castle in Enna, Sicily. It is one of the largest and most ancient edifices in Italy, with an area of some 26…
Lake Pergusa is a lake in Sicily, set between a group of mountains in the Erean Mountains chain near Pergusa, 5 km from Enna, Italy.
Sperlinga is a comune in the province of Enna, in the central part of the island of Sicily, in southern Italy.
Piazza Armerina is a comune in the province of Enna of the autonomous island region of Sicily, southern Italy.
엔나는 이탈리아의 시칠리아섬 중심부에 위치한 도시로, 엔나도의 현도이다. 해발 931m에 위치해 있어, 이탈리아에서 가장 높은 현도이다. 1926년까지의 지명은 카스트로조반니였다.
The Garibaldi Theatre is a theatre in Piazza Armerina, Sicily, southern Italy.
Piazza Armerina Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral located in Piazza Armerina, Sicily, Italy.
The Archaeological Museum of Aidone is a regional museum in Aidone in the province of Enna, Sicily.
The Kore University of Enna, in Italian Università Kore di Enna, is a university founded in 2004 in Enna, the capital city of the Province…
Nicoletti Lake is a lake in the Province of Enna, Sicily, Italy.
Lago Olivo is a lake in the Province of Enna, Sicily, Italy.
Nicosia Cathedral is the cathedral of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nicosia, Sicily, and is located in Nicosia, Sicily, Italy.