CN 타워 혹은 투르 CN은 1976년에 캐나다 토론토에 세워진 높이 553.33m의 탑이다.
The St. Lawrence Market South building is a major public market building in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
토론토 이턴 센터는 캐나다 온타리오주 토론토에 위치한 백화점 겸 사무실 단지이다. 이튼의 이름은 옛 백화점 프랜차이즈의 이름인 이튼즈에서 유래되었다. 토론토 이턴 센터는 1주일에 방문자 백만명이 즐기는 토론토 시의 유명한 관광지역이다.토론토 쇼핑의…
This unique park is a reflection in landscape of Bach's Suite No. 1 in G Major for unaccompanied cello.
The Gooderham Building, also known as the Flatiron Building, is an historic office building at 49 Wellington Street East in Toronto,…
High Park is a municipal park in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. High Park is a mixed recreational and natural park, with sporting facilities,…
Fort York is an early 19th-century military fortification in the Fort York neighbourhood of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Trillium Park is a park in Toronto owned and operated by the Government of Ontario. Various Ontario landscapes inspired the park design.
Sugar Beach is an urban beach park in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, that opened in 2010.
The Toronto Waterfront Wavedecks are a series of wooden structures constructed on the waterfront of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, as part of…
Riverdale Farm is a 3-hectare municipally operated farm in the heart of Cabbagetown, an urban neighbourhood in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
The Revue Cinema is a cinema in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Built between late-1911 and early-1912, it is a designated 'heritage' site and is…
Trinity Bellwoods Park is a public park located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, bordered by Queen Street West on the south and Dundas Street…
Withrow Park is a 8.5-hectare park in the Riverdale neighbourhood of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Underpass Park is a public space designed by PFS Studio and The Planning Partnership located beneath the overpasses of Adelaide Street,…
St. Paul's Basilica is the oldest Roman Catholic congregation in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Woodbine Beach is the largest of the four beaches in the Beaches in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
리코 콜리시엄은 캐나다 온타리오주 토론토에 위치한 실내 경기장이다. 과거 AHL 토론토 로드러너스의 홈경기장으로 했으면, 현재 AHL 토론토 말리스의 홈경기장으로 사용되고 있다.
크리슈나 의식국제협회는 구어적으로 하레 크리슈나 운동 또는 하레 크리슈나스로 알려진 가우디야 바이슈나바 힌두교 종교단체다. ISKCON은 1966년 A.C. 박티베단타 스와미 프라부파다에 의해 뉴욕에서 설립되었다. 그 핵심 신앙은 힌두교 경전, 특히…