올란드 제도는 발트해 북쪽 보트니아만 어귀에 자리잡은 제도이자 핀란드의 자치령이다. 수도는 마리에함이며 핀란드어권에서는 아흐베난마 제도라고 부른다. 공용어는 스웨덴어이다. 핀란드에서 면적이 가장 작은 지역이며 핀란드 전체 인구의 0.5%, 넓이의 0…
Kastelholm Castle is a Swedish-built medieval castle located off Road 2 in Sund, Åland, Finland, approximately 25 kilometres northeast of…
Pommern, formerly Mneme, is an iron-hulled sailing ship. It is a four-masted barque that was built in 1903 in Glasgow, Scotland at the J.
South Kvarken is the narrowest stretch of sea between Finnish Åland and Sweden, forming a strait connecting the Sea of Åland and the…
This is a list of lighthouses in Åland.
This is a list of lighthouses in Åland.
This is a list of lighthouses in Åland.