Schloss Drachenburg or Drachenburg Castle is a private villa styled as a palace and constructed in the late 19th century.
유다 타대오는 예수 그리스도의 열두 제자 가운데 한 사람이다. 마태복음과 마가복음에는 ‘다대오’로, 누가복음과 사도행전에는 유다로 기록돼 있다. 유다는 ‘존경받는’ 또는 ‘찬미하리’라는 뜻이며, 타대오는 ‘마음이 크고 넓다’는 뜻이다. 소야고보와는…
Michaelsberg Abbey is a former monastery of the Benedictine Order, belonging to the Subiaco Congregation.
IU 국제응용과학대학교는 1998년 설립된 독일의 응용과학대학교이다. 독일 바트혼네프에 위치해 있다. 2021년 여름학기 기준 약 70,000명의 학생이 재학중이다.
The Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences is a German university of applied sciences with more than 9,500 students and…
The Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, University of Applied Sciences is a German university of applied sciences with more than 9,500 students and…
Hotel Petersberg is a hotel and official guest house of the Federal Republic of Germany, termed the "Bundesgästehaus".
Heisterbach Abbey was a Cistercian monastery in the Siebengebirge near Oberdollendorf in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
The CJD Christophorusschule Königswinter is a state recognized private, alternative school located in Rhein-Sieg-Kreis, and is run by the…
The Petersberg, formerly known as the Stromberg, is a mountain in the Siebengebirge mountain range near Bonn, Germany.