피통드라푸르네즈 화산은 아프리카 마다가스카르 옆에 위치한 프랑스의 해외 영토인 레위니옹에 위치한 순상화산으로, 높이는 2,632m이다. 피통 드 라 푸르네즈라는 이름은 프랑스어로 "용광로의 봉우리"라는 뜻이다.
The Bridal Veil Falls is a waterfall on the island of Réunion. Located at about 500 m altitude along the mountainous rampart that separates…
L'Âme de la France is the name given by the French sculptor Carlo Sarrabezolles to three identical monumental statues that he executed in…
The St. Anne's Church is the name given to a Catholic church on the island of Réunion, French overseas department in the Indian Ocean.
Take a walk around more than a hundred years old historic colonial building with a nice garden where you can see a lot of exotic species of…