도스 필라스는 과테말라 페텐 주에 위치한 마야 문명의 유적이다. 마야 고전기 후기에 지어졌으며, 629년에 인근 지역과 강을 통한 교역로를 통제하려는 의도로 티칼이 세운 식민도시이다. 648년에는 티칼의 지배에서 벗어나 티칼의 경쟁 도시였던…
Tamarindito is an archaeological site of the Maya civilization located along an escarpment in the Petén department of Guatemala.
La Corona is the name given by archaeologists to an ancient Maya court residence in Guatemala's Petén department that was discovered in…
Altar de Sacrificios is a ceremonial center and archaeological site of the pre-Columbian Maya civilization, situated near the confluence of…
Punta de Chimino is a Maya archaeological site in the Petexbatún region of the department of Petén in Guatemala.
La Amelia is a Pre-Columbian Maya archaeological site near Itzan, in the lower Pasión River region of the Petén Department of Guatemala.