Bloomsbury Square

Lokale naamBloomsbury Square
LocatieLonden, Verenigd Koninkrijk

Bloomsbury Square is a garden square in Bloomsbury, in the London Borough of Camden, London. Developed in the late 17th century, it was initially known as Southampton Square and was one of the earliest London squares. By the early 19th century, Bedford House along the north of the square had been demolished and replaced with terraced housing designed by James Burton.

Tags Historisch DistrictOpenbare RuimteStadsparkPark
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Rondleiding British Museum en National Gallery vanaf 218 USD
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Adres 12 Bloomsbury Square, Camden Town WC1A 2RJ, United Kingdom

Coördinaten 51°31'8.105" N -0°7'22.399" E

Rondleidingen en activiteiten: Bloomsbury Square

Rondleiding British Museum en National Gallery

Onmiddellijke bevestiging
Mobiele voucher
vanaf 218 USD

Londen: privérondleiding door de National Gallery en het British Museum

Mobiele voucher
Onmiddellijke bevestiging
vanaf 268 USD

Londen: privétour British Museum & National Gallery

Mobiele voucher
Onmiddellijke bevestiging
vanaf 248 USD

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