The Novgorod Detinets, also known as the Novgorod Kremlin, is a fortified complex in Veliky Novgorod, Russia.
Sobór Mądrości Bożej – prawosławny sobór na Kremlu w Nowogrodzie Wielkim w Rosji.
Tysiąclecie Rosji – pomnik z brązu na Kremlu nowogrodzkim w Nowogrodzie Wielkim.
Saint Nicholas Cathedral, founded by Mstislav the Great in 1113 and consecrated in 1136, is the oldest surviving building in the central…
The Episcopal Chamber is a 15th-century monument located in Novgorod Kremlin, Veliky Novgorod, Russia.
The Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior is a former Russian Orthodox Church that stands on Ilyina Street in Veliky Novgorod just…