Massa Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Massa, Tuscany, central Italy. It is dedicated to Saint Cerbonius.
Monte Marmagna is a mountain of the Apennine Mountains. It is located in Italy on the border between Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna.
Monte Sillara is the highest peak in the Appennino Parmense, a sub-chain of the northern Apennines in the province of Parma, northern Italy.
Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. – najdłużej nieprzerwanie funkcjonujący bank na świecie, od wielu lat jeden z największych we…
The Malaspina Castle is located in Massa, Italy. It crowns the top of a rocky hill and dominates the wide underlying plain and part of the…
Włoska Unia Pracy – włoska federacja związków zawodowych, trzecia po CGIL i CISL najliczniejsza centrala związkowa we Włoszech.
Via Vandelli is a historical commercial and military road, designed and built in the 18th century by Domenico Vandelli under the reign of…
Pontremoli Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral in Pontremoli, region of Tuscany, Italy.