Este é um dos dez maiores zoológicos do mundo, e é o lar de três pandas gigantes - as crianças vão adorar este lugar.
Este distrito é a maior área de cultivo de chá em Taiwan. Suas plantações de chá são fabulosas.
Zhinan Temple is a Taoist temple on the slopes of Houshan in Muzha, a suburb of Taipei, Taiwan. It was founded in 1882.
Zhanshan Temple is a Buddhist temple in Shinan District of Qingdao, Shandong, China.
Maokong Station is the terminal station of the Maokong Gondola of the Taipei Rapid Transit System, located in Wenshan District, Taipei,…
The Taipei Metro Taipei Zoo Station is a terminus on Brown Line, Maokong Gondola Line, and the planned Circular Line of the Taipei Metro.
Zhinan Temple Station is a station on the Maokong Gondola of the Taipei Rapid Transit System, located in Wenshan District, Taipei, Taiwan.
A temple built 400 years ago by immigrants from China. The temple is always open so you can go visit it whenever you want.
National Chengchi University is a public research university in Taipei.
Shih Hsin University is a university in Taipei, Taiwan. SHU is best known for its media and mass communication departments in Taiwan,…
Taiwan Police College is a police academy located within Wenshan District, Taipei, Taiwan.
Zhinan Temple Station is a station on the Maokong Gondola of the Taipei Rapid Transit System, located in Wenshan District, Taipei, Taiwan.
O Yuan de Exame é o ramo da comissão de serviço civil, encarregado de validar a qualificação dos funcionários públicos do governo da…
The Ministry of Finance is the ministry of the Republic of China responsible for government revenue, taxation, treasury, government land…