Monument to the 2002 Bali bombings

Nome localMonument to the 2002 Bali bombings
LocalizaçãoLondres, Reino Unido

The Bali Bombings Memorial is a permanent memorial in central London to victims of the 2002 bombings in Bali, Indonesia. It was designed by Gary Breeze and the carving was undertaken by Martin Cook and Gary Breeze. It was unveiled on 12 October 2006, the fourth anniversary of the bombings, by the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, at a ceremony attended by relatives and friends of the 28 British victims.The memorial commemorates the victims of all nationalities, with those from Britain listed apart at the centre of the inscription, which covers one side of a Portland stone wall.

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Mais informações e contacto


Endereço (Unnamed Road), London SW1A 2, United Kingdom

Coordenadas 51°30'8.659" N -0°7'46.334" E

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