San Sebastian Church

Nome localParroquia de San Sebastian
LocalizaçãoSan Juan Chamula

San Juan Chamula is a municipality and township in the Mexican state of Chiapas. It is situated some 2.9 km from San Cristóbal de las Casas. As of 2010, the municipality had a total population of 76,941. Virtually the entire population of the municipality is indigenous and speaks an indigenous language. In 2010, the census reported that 99.5% of the population age 3 years or older speaks an indigenous language. The Tzotzil people and language dominate the municipality.

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Mais informações e contacto


Endereço 27 Calle Los Lirios, Chamula 29320, Mexico

Coordenadas 16°46'57.734" N -92°41'33.122" E

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