Savannah Historic District

Nome localSavannah Historic District
LocalizaçãoSavannah, Georgia, Estados Unidos da América

The Savannah Historic District is a large urban U.S. historic district that roughly corresponds to the pre-civil war city limits of Savannah, Georgia. The area was declared a National Historic Landmark District in 1966, and is one of the largest urban, community-wide historic preservation districts in the United States. The district was made in recognition of the Oglethorpe Plan, a unique sort of urban planning begun by James Oglethorpe at the city's founding and propagated for the first century of its growth.The plan of the historic portions of Savannah is based on the concept of a ward, as defined by James Oglethorpe.

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Savannah Historic and Secret East Side Food Tour desde 57 USD
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Coordenadas 32°4'28.039" N -81°5'33.211" E

Excursões e actividades: Savannah Historic District

Savannah Historic and Secret East Side Food Tour

desde 57 USD

Civil War Walking Tour

desde 20 USD

Walking City Tour of Savannah

desde 20 USD

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