Rath Museum

Nome localMusée Rath
LocalizaçãoGenebra, Suíça

Historically the first Swiss fine arts museum. Characterised by a wide scope, it displays both ancient and modern art.

Etiquetas Museu
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Passe de Genebra desde 28 USD
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Horário de funcionamento

Open only during exhibitions (check the website before going).

Tue - Sun: 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Every second Wed the museum stays open until 8 p.m.


The admission fee varies between CHF 5 and CHF 20 according to the exhibitions.

Free for children and youths under 18 and for everyone every first Sunday of the month.

Mais informações e contacto

Official Website http://www.ville-ge.ch/mah/index.php?content=

E-mail mah@ville-ge.ch

Telefone +410 22 418 33 40

Endereço Place de Neuve 1 1204 Geneva, Switzerland

Coordenadas 46°12'6.295" N 6°8'36.629" E

Excursões e actividades: Rath Museum

Passe de Genebra

desde 28 USD

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