Pittsford, New York

Nome localPittsford

Pittsford is a town in Monroe County, New York, United States. A suburb of Rochester, its population was 30,617 at the 2020 census.The Town of Pittsford was settled in 1789 and incorporated in 1796. The Village of Pittsford was incorporated in 1827. It was named by Colonel Caleb Hopkins, War of 1812 hero and subsequently Pittsford Town Supervisor, for the town of his birth, Pittsford, Vermont.

The Erie Canal passes through the town.

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Mais informações e contacto

Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pittsford,_New_York

Official Website http://www.villageofpittsford.org/

Coordenadas 43°5'30.5" N -77°30'54.416" E

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