Columbia South Carolina Temple

Nome localColumbia South Carolina Temple
LocalizaçãoCarolina do Sul

The Columbia South Carolina Temple is the 62nd operating temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The temple is located in Hopkins, South Carolina because of its central location within the state. The building is set in a residential neighborhood and surrounded by native loblolly pine and oak trees. The grounds are landscaped with the area's natural flora including myrtle, holly, mums, and dogwood trees. The exterior of the temple is gray granite and features art glass windows. The temple has the traditional lone spire topped by a gold-plated angel Moroni.

Etiquetas Local de cultoMórmonCristão
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Mais informações e contacto


Official Website

Telefone 803-647-9472

Coordenadas 33°57'34.877" N -80°53'38.14" E

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