Родемак — средневековый город и коммуна во Франции, в кантоне Юц округа Тьонвиль. Мэр коммуны — Жерар Гердер.
Мальбрук — замок, расположенный в деревне Мандарен, в 55 километрах к северу от Меца, департамента Мозель.
Ouvrage Métrich located in the village of Kœnigsmacker in Moselle, comprises part of the Elzange portion of the Fortified Sector of…
Ouvrage du Kobenbusch is a gros ouvrage of the Maginot Line, located in the Fortified Sector of Thionville in the Cattenom Forest.
Ouvrage Rochonvillers is one of the largest of the Maginot Line fortifications.
Ouvrage Molvange is a large work, or gros ouvrage of the Maginot Line.
Ouvrage Rochonvillers is one of the largest of the Maginot Line fortifications.
L'Horizon benefits from a peaceful and scenic location on the top of a hill with panoramic views over Thionville and the surrounding…