Анси́ — озеро во Франции, в департаменте Верхняя Савойя. Второе по величине озеро в стране, после Лак-дю-Бурже.
Many mountaineers are buried at this small graveyard with beautiful tombstones. Some of them died while climbing Mont Blanc.
Анмас — коммуна во Франции, департамент Верхняя Савойя, регион Овернь — Рона — Альпы. Является центром кантона Анмас.
Рене Семуэль Кассен — французский юрист и общественный деятель, один из авторов Всеобщей декларации прав человека.
Les Portes du Soleil is a major skisports destination in the Alps, encompassing thirteen resorts between Mont Blanc in France and Lake…
The Grand Massif is a ski resort located in Haute-Savoie department, France.
The Égratz Viaduct is a curved concrete box girder bridge in south-east France, in the French Alps, near Switzerland and Italy.
The Égratz Viaduct is a curved concrete box girder bridge in south-east France, in the French Alps, near Switzerland and Italy.
Lac de la Vogealle is a lake in Haute-Savoie, France. It is located below the Dents Blanches and nearby the Cirque de Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval at…
This popular resort offers great fun throughout the whole year - superb skiing and snowboarding opportunities in the winter and hiking,…