Gate of Spalen

Местное названиеSpalentor
МестоположениеVorstädte, Базель, Швейцария

The Basel city walls are a complex of walls surrounding the central part of the Swiss city of Basel, only partially preserved today. The first city wall was completed around 1080 under bishop Burkhard von Fenis. A newer wall was constructed around 1230, which is known as the Inner Wall. Its course was mostly identical to the Burkhard wall. In 1362 the construction of a larger wall complex began due to the city's expansion; it was completed in 1398, and is known as the Outer Wall. In 1859 the city's executives decided to raze the inner wall and gates to the ground. Three outer city gates and a short piece of the wall were saved from demolition and are being preserved as part of the city's heritage.

Теги Городские воротаГородская стенаСредневековыйСтатуяИсторический
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Базель: Самостоятельный аудиотур от 11 USD
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Адрес Spalenvorstadt 4056 Basel, Switzerland

Координаты 47°33'28.619" N 7°34'53.072" E

Экскурсии и события: Gate of Spalen

Базель: Самостоятельный аудиотур

Подтверждение брони
от 11 USD

Семейное приключение в Базеле: знакомство с историческими и художественными жемчужинами

Ваучер мобильной связи
Подтверждение брони
от 551 USD

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