Weesener Bach

Местное названиеLuttermühle
МестоположениеHermannsburg, Deutschland

Weesener Bach, also called the Lutterbach, is a river of Lower Saxony, Germany, a tributary of the Örtze.

The Weesener Bach rises in the Südheide Nature Park, south of the village of Lutterloh near Unterlüß, then flows through the Hermannsburg village of Weesen and enters the Örtze north of Hermannsburg after about 10.5 km. The source of the stream is 84 m above sea level, its mouth is 54 m above sea level, giving a height difference of 30 metres. Originally the Weesener Bach emerged from a bog region.

Теги Водяная мельница
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Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weesener_Bach

Адрес 2 Lutter, Hermannsburg 29320, Germany

Координаты 52°50'25.264" N 10°5'52.063" E

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