Visiting this cave is like entering another world - a sphere of unbelievable stone formations, crystals, lights and shadows. Breath-taking!
Easily accessible from the city, the hills are a perfect getaway. Take a walk here and enjoy the Central European landscape.
19 kilometres of caves and tunnels full of spectacular stalagmites and other structures carved by the thermal waters.
A protected area that showcases animals typical for the region. The surrounding nature is enchanting no matter the season.
Múzeum je venované Budapešti – jej umenie, školám a móde – skrátka všetkému, čo vytvára jedinečnú atmosféru tohto miesta.
Normafa is a popular tourist sight in the Buda Hills. It is mainly known for its panoramic scenery and fresh air.
Táto čiastočne zrekonštruovaná zrúcanina sa môže pochváliť nádherným výhľadom na okolité pozemky. Dobrá voľba pre rodinný výlet.
János Hill is the highest point of Budapest with a height of 528 m, located in the western part of the city.
Múzeum venované herečke Gizi Bajor, ktorej dom predtým kedysi bol, a jej súčasným spoluhráčom.
Lake Garancsi is a lake of Hungary.
Sashegy is a hill and neighbourhood in Budapest, Hungary. It is a green, upper middle class area in Buda with expensive family homes.
The Bathory Cave is a cave located just below the top of Nagy-Hárs Hill, on the northeast side of the mountain.
Tento dom je múzeum venované jednému z najväčších maďarských skladateľov - Barókovi Bélovi.
Three Border Mountain is the name of a mountain in the city of Budapest, Hungary.
Táto podivná stavba, postavená v roku 2005, je obľúbenou rozhľadňou. Je vysoká 32 metrov.