Efez alebo Efezos bolo staroveké grécke mesto v Malej Ázii na území dnešného juhozápadného Turecka. Leží 50 km južne od Izmiru.
Tento dom sa považuje za obydlie Panny Márie, keď žila v Efeze. Dom je teraz zrekonštruovaný a slúži ako kaplnka a je dôležitým miestom…
Neďaleko Efezu sa verí, že táto jaskyňa je miestom, kde sa schovávali legendárny Seven Sleepers, aby nedošlo k stíhaniu.
Artemidin chrám v Efeze alebo Artemision, dal asi v roku 550 pred Kr. vybudovať kráľ Kroisos z Lýdie, v meste Efez, na pobreží Malej Ázie.
The Library of Celsus is an ancient Roman building in Ephesus, Anatolia, now part of Selçuk, Turkey.
Kadifekale is a hilltop castle in İzmir, Turkey. The castle is located on the Mount Pagos which has an elevation of 186 metres.
Pergamon bol grécky mestský štát na dnešnom západnom pobreží Turecka. Vládol v ňom kráľ Attalos III., ktorý odkázal po svojej smrti všetok…
The Izmir Archaeology Museum is an archeology museum in Izmir, Turkey, containing a number of artifacts from around the Gulf of Izmir.
Amazingly well-preserved ruins of the ancient Greek city. Take the funicular up and explore the site on your way down.
Smyrna was a Greek city located at a strategic point on the Aegean coast of Anatolia.
The İzmir Ethnography Museum is an ethnography museum in Izmir, Turkey, containing a number of pieces of clothing and pottery from the…
İzmir Wildlife Park is a non-profit zoo in İzmir, Turkey. It was opened on 30 November 2008 following the closure of the İzmir Zoo.
The "Red Basilica", also called variously the Red Hall and Red Courtyard, is a monumental ruined temple in the ancient city of Pergamon,…