The Holocaust Memorial Center is a renovated synagogue that dates back to the 1920s and serves as a memorial and museum for and about…
Müpa Budapest je budova nachádzajúca sa v budapeštianskej štvrti Ferencváros.
Pod názvom Nemzeti Színház sa zvyčajne chápe divadlo v Budapešťi. Okrem neho však existujú "Národné divadlá" aj v menších mestách.
The Ludwig Museum of Contemporary Art collects international and Hungarian art, and displays artworks from the past 50 years that have been…
Groupama Arena je multifunkčný štadión v Budapešti, v Maďarsku. Je domovským štadiónom klubu Ferencvárosi TC.
If you long for totally non-tourist experience, try this tiny spa frequented by the locals only. Its water has outstanding qualities.