The Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya is one of Moscow's Seven Sisters, skyscrapers built in the early 1950s in the Stalinist neoclassical style.
Kostol svätého Ľudovíta je rímskokatolíckym chrámom v Moskve. Nachádza sa v časti Malá Ľubianka a je jedným z dvoch katolíckych chrámov v…
Komsomolskaya Square, known as Kalanchyovskaya before 1932, is a square in Moscow, with a blend of revivalist Tsarist and Stalinist…
The Wall of Grief is a monument in Moscow to the victims of political persecution by Joseph Stalin during the country's Soviet era.
The Tsentrosoyuz Building or Centrosoyuz Building is a government structure in Moscow, Russia, constructed in 1933 by Le Corbusier and…