St. Nicholas Church in Potsdam is a Lutheran church under the Evangelical Church in Berlin, Brandenburg and Silesian Upper Lusatia of the…
Braniborská brána v Postupimi byla vybudována roku 1770. Jejími tvůrci byli architekti Carl von Gontard a Georg Christian Unger, bránu…
The Old Market Square is a centrally located square in downtown Potsdam which forms the historical centre of the city.
The building housed royal carriages and horses in the past. Nowadays, as the name suggests, there are historical exhibitions documenting the…
The Potsdam City Palace is a building in Potsdam, Germany, located on the Old Market Square, next to the St. Nicholas' Church.
Muzeum Barberini je muzeum umění na náměstí Alter Markt v braniborské Postupimi.
The Bundesrechnungshof is the supreme federal authority for federal audit matters in Germany. There are equivalent bodies at state level.
Filmové muzeum Postupim je nejstarším filmovým muzeem v Německu. Stálá výstava „Vysněná továrna. 100 let filmu v Babelsbergu“ věnovaná…
Duglaska tisolistá je vždyzelený ihličnan z čeľade borovicovité, podčeľaď jedľovaté.
Javor jasanolistý je listnatý, dvoudomý, opadavý strom z čeledi mýdelníkovité.
The Commissioner of the Land of Brandenburg for the Study of the Repercussions of the Communist Dictatorship is responsible for advising…
The Bundesrechnungshof is the supreme federal authority for audit matters in the Federal Republic of Germany.